1-Page Business Plan Template

Want a simple, easy way to create a business plan? You’ll love this 1-page business plan template, which you can use at any stage of your small business.

1-Page Business Plan Template PDF
1-Page Business Plan Template Word

The ten questions in this business plan template cover all the basics you’ll need to articulate your business idea and test its viability. You can use the basic business plan template for start-up, growth, or retooling your small business. Once you fill out the business plan, you can go back and look at it three months from now, six months from now, or years from now. You can also easily revise the business plan as you learn what’s working in your small business and what’s not.

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Jennifer Croft Comments
True confession: I’m not a big fan of business plans and rarely write them. Partially, this is because I can usually see the big picture in my head. More so, it’s because I’ve never had to write a business plan – I don’t borrow money or solicit investors. But I do believe in the merits of writing a plan, which is why I designed the most simple, easy, business plan template imaginable.

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