Marketing Plan Template

Do you have an effective marketing plan, one that brings in all of the business that you want and need? If not, use this marketing plan template to create a plan of action.

Marketing Plan – 1 Year Worksheet PDF
Marketing Plan – 1 Year Worksheet Excel

The marketing plan template includes the top 17 types of marketing that small businesses use. The worksheet includes categories for direct marketing (such as sales calls and tradeshows), advertising (such as print advertising and radio ads), and online marketing (such as social media and e-mail campaigns).

If you’re starting a new small business, choose the 6-8 types of marketing that you think will be the most effective. Test your marketing in small increments, and track your results. Then revise the marketing plan based on what’s working and what’s not. In the start-up phase, you’ll want to look at your marketing plan more frequently – at least every quarter. Once your small business is established, and your marketing is humming along, it’s still a good idea to look at the plan at least once a year.

You can use the marketing plan template to plan the types of marketing you’ll do in the coming months and/or to summarize the types of marketing you completed and the results they yielded.

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How To Write A Marketing Plan

Jennifer Croft Comments
When you’re filling out the marketing plan, don’t just put an X in the box for the type of marketing you’ll do in any given month. Instead, give yourself specific goals. For example, in the social media box, write that you’ll post on Facebook 12 times. Or in the networking box, write that you’ll attend 2 events. Or in the e-mail box, write that you’ll send a newsletter out 2 times.

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