Sales Forecast Template And Spreadsheet

How much do you plan to sell next year? Use this 1-year sales forecast template or spreadsheet to help accurately forecast sales for your small business.

Sales Forecast – 1 Year Worksheet PDF
Sales Forecast – 1 Year Worksheet Excel

The sales forecast template and spreadsheet include categories for five types of your products and services, with slots for the price of each product or service and the number of products and services sold. The step-by-step instructions that are included on the worksheet (e.g. “line A x line B = line C”) make it easier to accurately forecast sales for your small business.

When you fill out the sales forecast spreadsheet, be sure to account for your sales cycle (how long it takes to get an account), reorders or repeat business, and seasonality or any other known fluctuations in your business.

The sales forecast spreadsheet can be used to predict how much you’ll sell this year, or to recap how much you sold last year.

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Jennifer Croft Comments
Full disclosure: It’s really, really hard to predict sales, particularly in the start-up phase of a small business. But this worksheet should help, because it breaks a big number (total sales for the year) into smaller chunks (by the product or service and by the month) that should be easier to guess at. As a tip, be conservative in your sales forecast estimates. I always like to underestimate sales and overestimate expenses, which can help avoid a shortfall at the end of the month or year.

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